Live Courses

Morning Flow for Beginners

Get your body move with a yoga morning flow for beginners and make the most of it with a regular practice.
In this live class, you will start wake your body and mind with a gentle strech and Sun Salutations A and B (Surya Namaskara). They are the fundamental of the yogic practice. You will be introduced to basic breathing techniques and to the mudras in order to deepen your practice.We will end the class with a sound om and a gratitude. It is a great way to start youyr day with a positivity and more energised, more flexible body.

Ashtanga Yoga Sequences All Levels

A whole body strech and work out for all level yogis.
In this class we will be learning the traditional Ashtanga yoga, which  focuses on fixed asanas (postures), followed by Ujjyai brreath, in order to deepen your practise and to get into the asanas easier. It is a dynamic ptractice for muscle training and to develop physical and mental strength. Practicing Ashtanga rejuvenates your body, making it stronger, toned, more flexible and controlled. We will finish the class with sound Om, which is  a universal sound. Om calms your mind; it helps you connect with your inner self. It brings you a lot of peace. It helps you control your anger by building up your tolerance level. Chanting Om also helps you bring in positive vibrations in your body.
After the yoga practice, I recomend to download video of Savasana/Guided Meditation, which you will find here, on the website, in order to deepen your practice and to get the most benefits of it.

Pranayama Breathing Techniques

Inhale love, Exhale gratitude.
The breath is something we can't live without. But what if you discover the deep breathing techniques and feel even more alive and so exted your longliviness? This class is dedicated to the breathing techniques, which have plenty benefits to your phisical and mental health. It is scientifically proved that yogic breathing can heal and prevent depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, COPD and astma. If you want to boost your energy, improve your digestion system, reduce stress level and impulsity, reduce or get rit of addictions, increase mindfulness, improve your sleep, it is time to start practising yogic breathing techniques.
So, join live classes and practice regularly different breathing techniques.

Ashtanga Yoga Sequences All Levels

A whole body strech and work out for all level yogis.
In this class we will be learning the traditional Ashtanga yoga, which focuses on fixed asanas (postures), followed by Ujjyai brreath, in order to deepen your practise and to get into the asanas easier. It is a dynamic ptractice for muscle training and to develop physical and mental strength. Practicing Ashtanga rejuvenates your body, making it stronger, toned, more flexible and controlled. We will finish the class with sound Om, which is a universal sound. Om calms your mind; it helps you connect with your inner self. It brings you a lot of peace. It helps you control your anger by building up your tolerance level. Chanting Om also helps you bring in positive vibrations in your body.
After the yoga practice, I recomend to download video of Savasana/Guided Meditation, which you will find here, on the website, in order to deepen your practice and to get the most benefits of it.

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